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Finding Happiness
What will make you happy? What do you really want? More of __________________________. Less of ___________________________. And how much...
When bad Guys Change the Day
What a beautiful awful mess of a world we live in. A thousand miles away, bad guys change our day. I learned of the terror walking into a...
Spring 2013 Praise and Coffee Magazine is here!
Thank you to so many amazing women (and one man) who grace the pages of this issue! We do not have print subsciptions available yet but...
What is the Difference Between Fitting In and Belonging?
Who are you? I spent years disciplining my personality away. Yes, self-denial in the face of temptation that shifts us from God’s plan is...
The Tomb is Not Forever
The season is hard. You feel tired, empty, spent. Nothing is blooming; it is the winter of our hearts. You wander lost, wondering how you...
The Trap of Self Rejection
This quote is for all of us who have struggled with feeling unimportant and abandoned. The sacred voice knows the truth. Hold on to it...
Connecting Beyond the Four Walls of Church
I’m having a great week. My girlfriend Ronel, who is also the National Director for Praise and Coffee, flew in from California on...
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