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Backyard Bible Blast ~ Otsego, MI

Two Shall Become One~ Tuesday will return next week!

If you’re from my neck of the woods,

I want to invite your kids out this week for a great time.

“Backyard Bible Blast!” It’s like VBS on RedBull!

Before my husband was a pastor he cut his teeth in children’s ministry and still has a huge passion for kids. Northpoint Church in Plainwell asked him to speak at their event and he’s excited to be a part of it. He has some fun stuff planned for these kids, I promise they won’t be bored!

Here are the details: August 4-7th (Tuesday-Friday) 6:15-8:00 pm It will be held at 206 ~15th St, Otsego (Right off of 102nd which is the road Plainwell Schools is on) And just to clarify- this is not my home.

The theme is: “Who is my Neighbor?”

based on the story of the Good Samaritan.

All kids ages 4 through (completed) 5th grade welcome.

Expect games, snacks, crafts and LOTS of FUN!!

Note: I am not leading any part of this, if you have any questions, email me and I’ll forward them on to the proper authorities 🙂

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