It’s December…where did our year go??
I’m sorry I haven’t blogged all week! I’ve been busy decking the halls and getting ready for this week’s Praise and Coffee…AND preparing for the retreat that I’m speaking at this weekend.
Feeling a little like a cotton-headed ninny-muggins right now!
But I’m still smiling- cause smiling is my favorite!!!
This month’s Praise is:
With the holiday’s here I thought you might like: Casting Crown’s “Peace of Earth”
You’ll also get some very yummy
“Praise and Coffee” label coffee!!
PLUS, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!
TO ENTER DRAWING: ~> Post a comment to THIS post and if you are married, tell us a way that you can be your husband’s biggest cheerleader. (Not required, but would love to hear your input). ~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you-PLEASE! ~> If you have one of my “Praise and Coffee Giveaway” buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice. Here is a link to all my buttons: Blog Buttons
And it’s also Tuesday, soooo time for another Two Shall Become One ~ marriage post.
I am re-posting one that received a lot of response, I hope you enjoy it.
Be Their Biggest Cheerleader!!
Ok ladies, I have a question for you. Who would you say is your husband’s biggest fan? Who is it that gives him the most kudos? Who toots his horn the most?
Is it you? If not, set you hand out in the front of the computer while I knock it with my ruler.
Seriously, we should be their biggest fan!
Men desire respect and will gravitate towards wherever they get it. In fact we are asked to… encouraged to…NO, we are commanded by God to respect our husbands. Eph 5:33 …and the wife must respect her husband. NIV Yes, I know what the first part of that verse says (husbands love your wives) …but you’re not a husband, you are a wife, and this one’s for the girls.
Let me say it again. He will gravitate towards whoever will respect him. Human beings are drawn to praise and admiration.
Here is a quote from Marriage Builders:
Admiration is one of the easiest needs to meet. Just a word of appreciation, and presto, you’ve made someone’s day. On the other hand, it’s also easy to be critical. A trivial word of rebuke can set some people on their heels, ruining their day and withdrawing love units at an alarming rate.
Think about your response when your husband comes home, are you showing him that you respect and admire him by the things that you say and do?
I know that I can struggle with my words.
I have to ask myself, am I building up or tearing down?
We should be a team. We are partners. Why would I want to tear down my own team mate?
He should never wonder if I’m on his side, I should make that very clear by my words and actions.
I want him to know that he can count on me to have his back.
Which brings me to another point… When you are with others, do you speak highly of him or have you ever made fun of him?
I have seen some couples tear one another down right in a group of people and I know there have been times in the past when I was guilty of this too.
It is destructive to a marriage to tear one another down, and it is devastating to your spouse when you do it in front of others.
EVEN IF…you can make them the brunt of the best joke! Please don’t embarrass your husband, it will not only deflate them, but could cause a huge wedge to start forming between you.
Be their biggest fan, be their biggest cheerleader (in a non-annoying, non-clapping kind of respectful way).
That’s YOUR place in his life, don’t let anyone else take it.
Since I like to leave you with a nugget to think about, I’m going to say:
Be their cheerleader!
I hope this (possibly irritating) word picture makes us think before we speak!
I’m praying for our marriages, Sue
Edited to add: Winner is “Goosegirl” at