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GREAT! The Lid Came Off the Mayo Jar

Hello, I just got back from a glorious run on this beautiful Michigan day!

Not really…wouldn’t you hate me if that was the truth?? The truth is, the weather IS beautiful for Michigan today, 40’s and sunny. But the run was tedious and tiring and I wanted nothing more than to stop and drive to McDonalds for a McFlurry. The glorious part is that it’s done. Amen.

I don’t usually write on the weekends but Lauren did something today that I wanted to tell you about.

First let me warn you, there is nothing spiritual or redeeming about this. It’s kind of ugly and nothing like the beautiful things that Ann Voskamp writes on the weekend.

Lauren (7yo) opened the fridge, started rifling through it and grumbled in disgust, “Don’t we have any cupcakes?! Where are the chips?! GREAT! the lid came off the mayonaise jar!”

Now, it should be noted that I don’t think we’ve had cupcakes in this house in a month and I never keep them in the fridge. Apparently she wanted the chips because she spotted french onion dip and I have no idea why she feels the need to take on responsibility for the mayonaise container.

If she was 10 years older I would assume we were dealing with PMS but evidently we’re just dealing with an ornery seven year old who needed some time on her quad, thankfully she got that.

Now you should probable head over to Ann’s website because she does sweet things on the weekends that make you feel happy about life, not me, I’ve had my nose buried in the book “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey all weekend and I’m feeling a bit snarky.

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