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Guest Post from Denise ~ Take the Jump!

Click on the picture to visit Denise’s very fun blog!!


“Go as fast as you can, don’t worry how you’ll land.”

These words were words of advice from our oldest son (S1) to you next youngest son (S2).

S2 had just been given a new used bike by our neighbor lady. It hadn’t been out of her car for a full ten seconds before he was on it, riding around the driveway, zooming down the field road, jumping it down the old barn path. The bike was just for him, he was sure.

About an hour later, S1 and S2 burst into the house and stumbled out the story excitedly how S2 had finally jumped his bike with both wheels in the air off of S1’s bike jump. S2 has worked at doing this for two years now and today he conquered the feat.

Apparently I didn’t show the proper excitement because they continued to talk among themselves as I worked at getting dinner on and the counter washed down. “See, I told you that if you just go as fast as you can, don’t worry how you’ll land, you’ll be fine and make a great jump.”

I nearly added “and get a broken leg so you can spend the rest of the summer in a cast” but didn’t. He knew that already, we’ve already taken a few trips to the local ER.

They went on their way outside (I was thankful they put on their bike helmets) and continued practicing their jumps. But S1’s words stuck with me…..until God just slammed them into me.

Why don’t we live our lives that way for God? This is the verse that just flooded me “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

S2’s goal was to jump the bike ramp, to be up in the air. How he landed hadn’t even crossed his mind.

What if we lived our lives so sold out for God, so upward, full throttle, without any selfish concern?

Of course, there is a balance here. You can be so ‘spiritually filled you are no earthly good’. But if we lived our faith for God as the exciting life it is rather than worry how others would perceive us, imagine the freedom in that? The power. I was thinking this all through as S4 stormed into the house and slammed the door. “That bike hurt my feelings! I don’t like that bike! I not ride it no more!” And he didn’t. He got out his matchbox cars and lay on the floor and played with those.

He missed the goal. S2 seen the goal, was scared because he’s tried this MANY times, pushed for it, flew thru the air and landed it. S4 gave up. How often don’t we do that? “Oh, I’ve tried church. I’ve tried that whole spirituality thing. I’ve tried God. It was too many rules and I got behind and I’ve got too much to do………..” I don’t need to give more examples; we’re good enough at those on our own.

But what if we just pressed toward that mark, that life God has called us to, just as hard as we could, despite our fears, despite our previous failings?

Imagine if we took that jump………

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