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I think we have Trolls

I admit it. I’m not a night owl. By the time I get Lauren to bed, I could follow right behind her.

I usually stay up a little longer, but by 10 PM, I “start to turn orange” as my husband so sweetly likes to tease me about turning into a pumpkin. But he does tend to be right behind me!

Of course this means that I am up early.

Now…I know that many of you notice the strange times that I post ie: 4 or 5 AM. (Because a few of you have mentioned it!) ;P

THAT is because I have woken up and can not get back to sleep. Ah, 40 is a wonderful age of new and exciting opportunities!

Let me tell you…if I make it to 4:30 AM, I’m thrilled! I can deal with that! I get up and spend some time alone with the Lord and with YOU, and it’s a good start to the day.

Sure, I could get lots of “other things” around the house done, but I don’t want to wake anyone. So it’s my quiet time. 🙂

BUT, when I wake at 2 AM and can’t get back to sleep, it’s not such a good day.

I can remember years ago (when I had 3 little ones under the age of 5 years old and I could barely get up in the morning to spend 2 minutes with the Lord) sitting in Bible studies and listening to these very Godly women tell of how they had been up since 3 AM the previous evening spending time with the Father.

That is wonderful, but in their heaping of guilt on this young mom, they fail to mention that they could not have fallen asleep if they tried!

However, back to my story, my (teenage) children ARE night owls. They can stay up quite late and then sleep until lunchtime if I let them. Which means that I wake up to all kinds of messes and “evidence” that I must lecture them on cleaning up the next day. But, who really knows what goes on once Ma and Pa are sleeping!

THIS morning, I woke up to a strange aroma as I walked down the stairs and this on my stove:

Yes. A Jack’s Pizza on my cooking stone with the middle eaten out of it.

I think we have trolls.

On that note, I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve!

I probably won’t see midnight tonight, but I will be up early to post my new header and the details of my new Praise and Coffee giveaway!

Blessings and Happy New Year,


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