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I Will Not Be Broken

Friends, Let me share with you an email that I received this week:

Hi again, Sue I wanted to reach out to you again to follow up on my email from last week because I really need your help to spread the word. Russia is still dropping cluster bombs on innocent civilians in the Georgian republic, killing and wounding many and spreading dangerous unexploded bomblets that will surely kill and maim people into the future. Survivor Corps is one of the lead organizations in the movement to ban cluster bombs and to assist the survivors of this terrible weapon.

I’ve put together this social media news release which explains everything. If you are able to blog about this very important subject, it would benefit many people. Please let me know if you are able to help and send me the link to your post.

Thanks so much. Dani Dani Sevilla, Survivor Corps ***************************************************************

After this email I spent some time looking into Survivor Corps. What an amazing organization started by a man with a heart wrenching story. His name is Jerry White and here is a little about his book and testimony upon which the organization is built.

“I Will Not Be Broken”

The loss of a loved one, a painful divorce, or a serious physical injury—we must all, at one point, face tragedy — unavoidable moments that divide our lives into “before” and “after.”

How do we muscle our way through tough times and emerge stronger, wiser — even grateful for our struggle? In 1984, author Jerry White lost his leg — and almost his life — in a landmine accident. He has endured the pain of loss and the challenge of rebuilding. As cofounder of Survivors Corps, White has interviewed thousands of victims of tragedy. With this book, he shares what he has learned.

White outlines a very specific five-step program to coping with disaster; to achieving strength and hope; and to turning tragedy into triumph. In their own words, his survivor friends and colleagues share their stories. It’s a group that includes the well known, like Lance Armstrong, Nelson Mandela, and the late Princess Diana, and also everyday survivors. Through their stories and the author’s words, the book takes readers step-by-step through the process of not only surviving tragedy and victimhood, but going on to thrive.

But this goes way beyond the horrible effects of war, it touches all of us who have faced loss and great disappointment. Here is a link to an interview with Jerry White from Good Morning America last month:

You will be touched by his testimony and encouraged to rise above whatever may come your way in this life. It’s all about faith and choosing life.

Life can break your heart, but God is faithful always!

Check out the link in the above email and see what you can do to help this organization and spread the word!!

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