Thank you for all the prayers and encouragment about my speaking engagement this past weekend at the First Congregational Church in Otsego. I had such a nice time and met some precious women of God. They were so gracious and welcoming, they put on a beautiful tea. And for those you that may have guessed, I am a coffee drinker…but the tea was incredible!
I talked about Rahab, the prostitute who proved that no matter what your past is, you can become known for being a woman of great faith! Don’t let the shame and scorn of others determine your future! Your future lies in the hands of the Lord…IF you’ll place it there.
I’m looking forward to meeting with the ladies of North Point Church at the 747 Bistro on May 19th. My topic will be: “The Key to Freedom” I am so excited about this message because it is one that truly set me free (hence the catchy title)!
Also, want to let you all know that our next Praise and Coffee Night will be June 18th at the Plainwell Coffee Mill from 7-9.
It will be a little different than the past ones have been, it’s going to be a night of Praise and Worship!
I will be leading worship with Trinity ftL . I can’t wait to spend time worshipping our Lord with all you ladies. There is nothing like a room full of women, pouring their hearts out to their God!! Check out PraiseandCoffeeNights.com
I also want to introduce a couple of friends who have recently started blogging: Jaime at The Word in Worship writes simple studies from God’s Word centered around worship songs. And Debi at Between the Two of Us is a MOPS leader that has a passion to help women of all ages and stages. Check them out!
I hope you are enjoying your spring! Don’t forget to enter the May Praise and Coffee Giveaway!
Much love, Sue
