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Much More Than An Annoying Stranger…

It’s been a while because Denise has been busy with her new gig as the Morning Mom on FOX 17, but here is another great article- you’re going to love this one!

And I also want to add that Denise is one of the most wonderful and thoughtful friends ever! She has been a HUGE blessing to me this week! I called and woke the poor woman up to ask if she can take Lauren while I run to the hospital again with my mom- and of course, she took care of everything.

THEN she sends her home with AMAZING brownies and cookies! It’s hard to find such good friends!

Click on her button here and check out her very fun blog, you will love it!

You Are Much More Than An Annoying Stranger… “Luke 18:1 Jesus told them a story showing them that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.”

I have had this verse taped above my kitchen sink for years – so long I have forgotten it. But my son lived it out in front of me and I learned a lesson about God from him…again.

S2 (son 2 of 4) has become his Daddy’s shadow recently. When he gets home from work, S2 is right at his side, following him around, doing his best to think ahead of his Daddy so he can do such things for him as open the door, grab his coffee, rub his back, carry his lunch pail, etc.

If my husband sits, S2 sits near him or on his lap. When it comes time for bed for S2 and his Daddy isn’t home from work yet, he cries for him. If Daddy has to be away somewhere he laments how much he misses him.

But here is the real amazing thing. This eight year old boy can be sound asleep, hear his Daddy start his car as early as 4:30 in the morning and instantly wake up and run down the steps. Usually he is crying, afraid he missed a chance to tell his Daddy goodbye before he leaves for work.

We have gotten so used to it, my husband and I, that when he goes to leave in the morning my husband will intentionally start the car and then head back into the house to finish pouring his coffee…and get his kiss and hug from S2.

We were laughing about this recently when we had a spare moment in the afternoon when S2 wasn’t being his shadow. “Think he loves you?” I teased.

Husband nodded seriously. “Makes me think about God.”

Yup, our kids taught us yet ANOTHER lesson about God.

S2 was so in tune to his Daddy. My husband wondered what would happen if we were that in tune with God. If we pulled a Samuel and heard when God whispered our name, how much more would we get out of our life that was lived in tune to God’s plan for us?

It’s not that S2 was my husband’s favorite. He worried the other boys would feel that he was. It’s just that S2 was ALWAYS there so when there was a trip to be taken, say to get gas for the tractor, S2 was the one to go along. And when S2 came home to ask if he could attend basketball camp, it was easy to say yes.

In Luke 18, the widow received her request just so the judge could be left alone.

How much more we bestow upon our children whom we love? Much more than just an annoying stranger like the story in the Bible. And as much a we love our boys, God loves us more than that. I cannot wrap my head around love like that. And it makes me want to run to my Father God, be in tune to His voice, just like my son showed me.

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I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice. I encourage you to work closely with a healthcare professional to manage your health. I am sharing the things I've learned, but all of us are unique and have different conditions. A ketogenic diet may not be an appropriate way of eating for your health needs. Please check with a health care professional before making any major changes in your diet.

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