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Project Pamper!

Praise and Coffee’s Project Pamper!

I am so excited about an opportunity that we women have to bless and pamper homeless women in our own community!

Project Homeless Connect is an event is meant to bring service providers from the region into one place where those families who are homeless — or in danger of being homeless — come seeking help. The idea is to make it easy for the families to access help. One of these event was held in Allegan last spring and one in Pullman last fall. Both drew more than 100 families. Some of the emphasis is on connecting the families with DHS, Mental Health, etc. . . but there also is an emphasis on helping these people find a little hope.

Finding a little hope…

THAT’S where we come in!

We are going to put together 100 gift bags including the Beth Moore booklet, “Discovering God’s Purpose” and other pampering items such as lotions, toiletries and beauty products.

This is a TEAM effort and we are coordinating it with the Praise and Coffee Girlfriend’s Weekend so you can get involved too, but you do not need to be at the conference to help.

We are purchasing the bags and the booklets and we need your help to fill them up!

Here are three ways you can get involved: 1. Bring *NEW* lotions, toiletries and/or beauty products when you come to the conference. ~Please email me to let me know what you are bringing so we can plan accordingly for what we need. 2. Purchase a Praise and Coffee Mug/”Praise and Coffee” one pot bag of coffee combo through PayPal for $10 and pick it up at the conference. (You may order them to be shipped to you for $15 each)

~To pre-order the mug and pick it up at the conference, you need to pay in advance through PayPal. You may wait for the conference to buy one, but there is a limited supply of them. We really need the funds to get these bags together so please purchase one through PayPal today!

~ALL the proceeds will be used for the gift bags! No profit is being made on these.

To order mugs: ~ Click on “donate” link in sidebar and pay for mugs ($10 to pick up at conference, $15 for each one you need shipped to you) ~Then email me at: the specifics of your order information: Name & # of mugs ordering and/or amount of donation.

3. Volunteer your time on Monday, March 9th at Project Homeless Connect. They are needing volunteers to help. They need runners to get people from station to station and nursery workers. Volunteer for a half of a day or all day. The event is from 9-3pm in Otsego. Email me ASAP if you would be able to help for some or all of the day.

Ladies, let’s make a difference in the life of women less fortunate.

Please spread the word to ladies that are coming to the conference!!!

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I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice. I encourage you to work closely with a healthcare professional to manage your health. I am sharing the things I've learned, but all of us are unique and have different conditions. A ketogenic diet may not be an appropriate way of eating for your health needs. Please check with a health care professional before making any major changes in your diet.

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