Well, tonight’s the night girls! The first Praise and Coffee Night in my hometown.
The most important thing you need to know about tonight… I’ll be wearing jeans. Seriously, I’ve had a few calls, and I want you to know-that’s what I’m wearing. It is a casual night, jeans are perfectly acceptable.
Feather boas however are optional!
(You really don’t want to ever google the words “feather boa” it was awful. My eyes hurt.)
Unfortunately, it looks like we will be wading through snow to get there, but I’m not too worried about it. I’ve been in Women’s Ministry long enough to know that women will walk over a bed of nails to have a night out. However, for those of you traveling a distance to get here…I want you to be safe- so use discernment and don’t do anything foolish- there will be more Nights out…. (my next one is January 15th).
I can’t begin to tell you how much God has moved to bring this evening together- really- I want to share, but I can’t share everything- just trust me! His favor is incredible!!!! And apparently this is something that our community of women has been hungry for. I have over 60 RSVP’s. We even had to reserve the banquet room above the coffee shop to fit us all.
Here’s an article from the Hometown Gazette.
I am hearing over and over… “I need this“… or “I need something.”
My prayer for these evenings is that every single woman walking in will sense God’s presence and love throughout the evening, and be strengthened and encouraged as she goes.
“Come as you are…leave refreshed!”
If you can make it tonight, great! If you are hearing about this last minute and didn’t RSVP, come on out anyway.
Also, Florida gals are meeting tonight too. Click on the picture link for details of both groups.
Not close to either of these? Start you own! Whether you have 3 people or 300. Meet at a coffee shop, share the praises of God and see what God does in your midst- I have a feeling it will be wonderful!!!! It could be you and your girlfriends or you could do what I did and invite the community and several different churches. Pray about what God would have you do. I have talked to at least 10 other women that are planning on starting them around the country. God is up to something wonderful, He’s bringing His women together!
Matt 18:20 For where two or three come together in My name,
there am I with them. I’ll try to post pictures and give you updates this weekend. I would love it if you pray for us! Much love, Sue