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Defining Who You Are
From my study: Becoming Me Through Him… Labels. Maybe the key to becoming me, becoming you, is to face the labels instead of fighting...
Advent esPRESSo
Thank you Ronel for creating an Advent esPRESSo for Praise and Coffee groups. Feel free to click the link and download to use for your...
You Were Not Created To Be Perfect, You Were Created To Be His
Excerpt from our online study: Becoming Me Through Him Perfectionism. I spent a lot of years wanting to look like I had it all together...
Is God Your Hero Or Your Father?
Imagine a little girl, 8 yrs. old, swimming at the beach and suddenly she goes underwater. She’s drowning. A lifeguard runs to save her....
Why Big Conferences and Mega Churches Are Not Enough
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed its’ the only thing that ever has.”...
It’s Time To Stop Wishing That Life Had Been Different
We run from our stories, but never allude them. We think that “becoming a new creation in Christ” means denying the abuse or sins that...
Leadership Is Not About Standing In Front Of People
Acts 20:1-2 (The Message) With things back to normal, Paul called the disciples together and encouraged them to keep up the good work in...
Your Life Is Waiting For You To Let It Happen
Why do we fight so hard to hold on to a life that is far less than what it could be? Old customs, habits and relationships that are...
Overcoming Fear
How many decisions do we make based on fear? What will they think? What if I fail? What if…? There is only one solid way to overcome...
The Summer 2013 Praise and Coffee Magazine, Our Last Issue
The Summer Praise and Coffee Magazine is here! Click here to read: Summer 2013 It’s filled with great articles by amazing women. The...
Spring 2013 Praise and Coffee Magazine is here!
Thank you to so many amazing women (and one man) who grace the pages of this issue! We do not have print subsciptions available yet but...
What is the Difference Between Fitting In and Belonging?
Who are you? I spent years disciplining my personality away. Yes, self-denial in the face of temptation that shifts us from God’s plan is...
The Trap of Self Rejection
This quote is for all of us who have struggled with feeling unimportant and abandoned. The sacred voice knows the truth. Hold on to it...
Is Shame Based Punishment Effective?
Taken from my segment on Star 105.7 with Tommy and Brook… Is publicly shaming our children an effective way to bring a positive change...
We’ve Had Enough of the One Way Conversations
Women are hungry for more. We’re tired of sitting back and listening, we’re ready to lean forward and join the conversation. It’s time to...
Until We All Come Home {Giveaway}
And the winner is… Kelli Wommack!!! Have you heard about my friend Kim de Blecourt’s newly released book yet? “When Kim de Blecourt and...
Two Women Met for Coffee…
My good friend and Praise and Coffee partner Ronel Sidney posted this on Facebook today, it truly embodies the heart of Praise and...
The Fall Magazine is Here!
Sign up to receive email notifications when each online magazine is published. Register for Praise and Coffee email updates #parenting...
Connecting Beyond the Four Walls of Church
I’m having a great week. My girlfriend Ronel, who is also the National Director for Praise and Coffee, flew in from California on...
I Prefer Nice People
I like nice people. They’re easy to get along with; they don’t stomp on your feelings by calling you a bad mom. They don’t eat your...
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