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What Do Our Kids Want From Us?
Obviously an endless supply of Sourpatch kids candy, DS games, new bikes and a new iPhone would be top on their list, but apparently our...
Is Shame Based Punishment Effective?
Taken from my segment on Star 105.7 with Tommy and Brook… Is publicly shaming our children an effective way to bring a positive change...
New Year’s Resolutions for Mom
Taken from the Star 105.7 Real Moms of West Michigan segment: Photo by It’s a new year and I know that many...
Wrapping Up the Five Love Languages
Today we wrap up the series of Real Moms segements on the Five Love Languages of Children. The five basic love languages that the book...
How Do I Get My Teen To Talk To Me?
We all want our kids to talk to us right? When they were little we imagined sweet conversations about life, love and how much they...
Tips on Communicating with Teens
One day we’re wrangling preschoolers, tying their shoes and washing syrup out of their hair. Five minutes later they are taller than us...
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