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April Praise and Coffee Giveaway!


The praise this month is:

WOW Worship!

You’re going to love this, it’s packed full of awesome songs!

You’ll also receive some of our Praise and Coffee coffee!

AND if it could get any better, I have a super special treat for you this month. Leigh Gray of “Speaking Thru Me” ministries has given me a book to share with you!

She actually sent two, one for you and one for me because she so sweet like that! This book is a must read and it also has discussion questions included if you want to do it with a study group.

It is a warm and personal book that brings you to the heart of God and causes you to look deep into own heart to see what HE and others are seeing.

Check out Leigh’s ministry too, she has lots going on and always an encouraging word to share.

You will enjoy it! And if you don’t win, you can get the book at Amazon.

To enter the drawing, it’s simple: 1. Leave a comment on THIS post. 2. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you win or check back on April 10th. 3. If you have any of my blog buttons on your blog, let me know in your comment and you will be entered twice.

Feel free to tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about the giveaway and thank you if you do!!


The winner is… Ginger at Following My Heart

Yay, I’m so excited, Ginger is one of my home town gals that I know!!! Congrats!

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I do not sell any weight loss or diet products as I believe most are expensive and unnecessary. 

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© 2006  Praise and Coffee


I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice. I encourage you to work closely with a healthcare professional to manage your health. I am sharing the things I've learned, but all of us are unique and have different conditions. A ketogenic diet may not be an appropriate way of eating for your health needs. Please check with a health care professional before making any major changes in your diet.

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