Hello friends, I know that I have written before about God healing our brokenhearts, but I feel that as I read your emails and talk to some of you, it is an ongoing issue for many of us. I have combined a few of my old posts to hopefully minister healing to your hearts today.
I was talking with a friend once about the battle that takes place in our mind and thoughts. I had been struggling with depression and discouragement after walking through an extremely difficult and painful situation.
I told her how I had forgiven those involved, but I could not seem to get past the pain even though it had been months since it happened. I knew that in my heart I had forgiven, I was even able to see those involved and not have anger in my heart. So why was I still hurting?
I was praying on a regular basis for God to reveal to me if there was more that I needed to do in the situation, but it seemed I was without direction. Did I really forgive them? Was I just fooling myself? I didn’t think so, but still I couldn’t get past it.
My friend spoke to me from the heart of God, she said ‘I think you have forgiven, you’re not doing anything wrong, but it sounds like you need healing from a broken heart.
Psalms 147:33 He heals the brokenheartedand binds up their wounds. NIV
I knew at that moment that those words were from the heart of God. It hit me like a fresh wind. I was so excited that I got off the phone with her right away and went to be alone with the Lord. I poured my soul out to Him and asked Him to heal my wounded heart.
Once again I prayed for those that had hurt me and thanked God for completely healing my heart. It was wonderful! I know that He did a deep healing in my heart that day. For weeks I didn’t hurt and joy overflowed in my heart.
But, Satan lurks and waits- sometimes he’s more patient than we are, and a day came when I had an opportunity to once again pick up the pain from the past.
As if I was rehearsing for a play, I re-enacted scenes in my mind of what this person had done, how I would respond and what they might say. Before I knew what was happening, the hurt started to creep back in. This time though was different than all the rest, because I knew that God had healed me and I realized that satan was trying to get me to fall back into that pit of pain and depression.
I stood my ground and started to pray. I cast those thoughts out of my head and thanked the Lord for healing my broken heart.
2 Cor 10:5 Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ NKJV
I believe that if I had continued on that thought pattern, I could have fallen into that pit and started the horrible cycle of pain all over again. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit helped me recognize that attack.
As wonderful as it is when God reveals and heals a heart in this manner, I realize that not all healing happens this way. I picture some of our pain like a spider web. Our heart can be broken and the effects can affect many different relationships and situations that we don’t even realize at the onset. Then as we walk through this life, different seasons reveal the need for healing from events in our past.
Let me tell you about another time when my heart was broken.
When I was a young girl around 8 years old, I was sexually abused by a friend of the family for over a year of my life. The abuse has affected so many areas of my life. I have since forgiven the man and God has healed my heart, but that does not mean that it is over and done with.
There are still times that fears and pain will come up that I can trace back to this event. When I see it affecting my relationships, I have to address the root of the issue and go to God with it.
When I was a teenager, I heard a speaker at church talking about God healing people who had been abused. He talked about forgiveness being part of the process of healing. I really broke down that night. I prayed for God to heal me and prayed for the man who had abused me all those times.
I felt God’s love and I felt protected. I know that God has healed me because if I saw that man today, I could share God’s love with him. I could tell him that I forgive him. Not because he deserves it, but because I need that same forgiveness from God that I don’t deserve.
I could let my heart be bitter towards him and wait until he begs on his hands and knees for me to forgive him, but that would only hurt me.
Matt 6:14-15 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. NIV
I will not let Satan continue the abuse in me by holding on to unforgiveness in my heart. To keep bitterness in me is to continue being a victim. I don’t want to be a victim ever again.
God healed my heart, and the “sting” of the pain is gone. However, I still remember what happened, I still struggle with trust and security.Thankfully, I now have a relationship with my Heavenly Father that is safe and secure and I know that He will never stop loving me.
The truth of the matter is that life can break your heart. But GOD. He can bind us up and bring healing. He makes beauty out of life’s mud.
Bring your pain and sorrow to Him. Let Him hold you close and heal you.
Psalms 40:2-3 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rockand gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth,a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fearand put their trust in the LORD. NIV Glory to God for a new song!!!!
I’m praying for you, Sue