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Hot Topics~What Teens Want Most

A recent study done on teenagers by the AP and MTV brought some interesting results.

Here is a quote: When asked what one thing makes them most happy, 20 percent mentioned spending time with family — more than anything else.

About three-quarters — 73 percent — said their relationship with their parents makes them happy. After family, it was relationships with friends that people mentioned most.

Also confirming existing research, Twenge says, is the finding that children of divorced parents are somewhat less likely to be happy.

Among 13-17 year olds, 64 percent of those with parents still together said they wake up happy, compared to 47 percent of those with divorced parents. And who were their heroes: Oprah Winfrey? Michael Jordan? Hillary Clinton? Tiger Woods? All those names came up when people were asked about heroes.

Of public figures, Martin Luther King, Jr. got the most mentions.

But nearly half mentioned one of their parents, with mothers ranking higher (29 percent) than fathers (21 percent.)

Ladies, we are a huge influence in our kids life!

This is confirmed through the answers of these teenagers.

This study encourages and challenges me.

What am I doing with this influence?

Am I spending enough time with my kids?

Psalms 127:3-5 3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from Him. 4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. 5 Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. NIV

Our children are a reward from the Lord!

As a parent, I can tend to feel condemned for the wrong things that I do and the ways I feel that I fail my children. However, I believe we all need to focus more on the positive influence and opportunity that God has given us with the children He has blessed us with.

Let’s use this influence to help them become all that God has intended them to be. My prayer for myself as a mother is that God would help me to guide my children in the direction He has for their life.

I challenge myself and you to spend more time with each of our kids and use the influence God gave us for His glory in their lives!

Now your turn, what do you think about this study?

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