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Join the Conversation!

A couple of quick things…

First, something that we’re soooo excited about! We’ve started something new to connect with you all and get you connecting with each other. Praise and Coffee Connection

We’re doing it on our Facebook page. Each Monday we’ll share a verse with a question and then through out the week post new questions concerning that same verse and how it applies to your life. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better and hoping we can all encourage each other along the way. God’s Word is so powerful but only when we actually think of it in regards to our lives today.

Then, we have this survey going and would LOVE your input:

You’ll get a sneak peek at what’s coming for Praise and Coffee!

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I do not sell any weight loss or diet products as I believe most are expensive and unnecessary. 

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© 2006  Praise and Coffee


I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice. I encourage you to work closely with a healthcare professional to manage your health. I am sharing the things I've learned, but all of us are unique and have different conditions. A ketogenic diet may not be an appropriate way of eating for your health needs. Please check with a health care professional before making any major changes in your diet.

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