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Make the most of every opportunity

For those of you that have come here for the Friday Fluff, I’m sorry but this week has been anything but fluffy. (Although I think you will enjoy the story at the end…)

Some of you may remember me talking about Alan on this post, he was an exchange student from Mexico that lived with us a few years back. He and my son became best friends and it was sad to see him go at the end of the school year.

He showed up this October for a surprise visit and we were thrilled. He also told us that he had a wife and new baby.

We were shocked to receive a phone call this week that he was killed in a car accident.

Due to the language barrier, it took us some time to get all the information and by the time we did, it was a day late for my son to fly down for the funeral.

Our hearts are broken. Especially my son who was so close to him.

I have reminisced this week about all the great times we had with Alan and how God brought him into our lives. He was so much fun to be around, and always willing to help you do anything!

When his Mother came for a visit, he was ear to ear smiles when we went to the mall because he had his two moms with him.

I am so sad that he has died at such a young age, yet I am thankful that he came to know the Lord while he lived here. I look forward to the day when I will see my “son” again.

Let this serve to remind us that we never know the whole plan and when someone comes into our sphere of influence, let’s take every opportunity to share the love of God with them. Whether it is through prayer or actions, let’s love those who God brings into our lives- and maybe into our homes.

This is for Alan…

OK…I just have to tell you this story about Alan’s Mom.

She came to visit while he was here and she could not speak English, and I do not speak Spanish.

I had to pick her up at the airport by myself…it was crazy.

She did not come out of the gate I was at, so she ended up wandering around looking for me. She called my cell phone, here’s how it went:

Me: Hello?

She: SUE?!

Me: …uh…yes….uh…Si’

(then we rambled for a few minutes and I realized that she was in the airport but had no idea where)

Me: (as I look up at the sign that said Exit 2, I said…) Exit?

She: Exit?

Me: si’….exit….(counting on my fingers…) exit … dos! (of course I’m speaking louder and louder because I’m sure that if I yell it, she will understand)

She: si’…si’

So eventually we find eachother and I show her the picture I have of her and Alan and she gives me a big ole’ Mexican embrace, it was wonderful.

The car ride home was fun. We actually both thought we were communicating with one another as we pointed things out and smiled.

Later that day when we were home with Alan and he could translate we realized that she was asking about my family and I was telling her about the weather.

So a few days into her visit, Alan is off at school and she and I are home alone again. We start “talking” and all of the sudden she starts bawling.

Oh goodness! What did I say??? What is she saying???

So I bring her into my office. I find a website that will translate from English to Spanish and vice-versa.

I start asking her about what is wrong.

Come to find out, she and her husband are about to get a divorce (mind you, all this has been happening while Alan is away from home so he has no idea). She is crying and typing, telling me about her husband having an affair.

So I am crying and typing telling her about how the Lord will get her through this.

I find another website with a Spanish Bible and start punching in verses and having her read them.

I end up praying for her through a computer translator.

Now I ask you….do we serve a God with a sense of humor or what?!!!

I have to say that, THAT was the most unusual experience I have ever had ministering to someone- and I’ve had a few crazy ones! This verse comes to mind.

Col 4:5-6 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. NIV

In His amazing love, He bypassed all language barriers that day. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to love on Alan and his Mom.

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