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Mathetes Award

Thank you so much Monkey Giggles, Ginger, Sharon B and Dionna for feeling that I am deserving of this award. I can’t tell you how wonderful you have made me feel.

Mathetes is the Greek word for disciple, and the role of the disciple (per the Great Commission) is to make more disciples.

I am blown away that I would get all these nominations in one week! I wasn’t going to post on it but I want to publically say thank you to all of them and say that I am so blessed every day that I get to share my heart with you. If there is anything good that comes from this, it is of the Lord and He is the One deserving the glory!

I have NOTHING to offer you but Him.

I enjoy writing this blog so much, and your responses have made me love it all the more! I can’t believe all the wonderful women I have met through this blog. I have laughed with you, stayed up at night praying for you and cried like a baby over some of your trials! My husband knows many of you by name!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my heart, I am in the process of writing some other publications also….more on that later…

In keeping with the spirit of the award, I am passing it on to three women that make me think everytime I read their blogs:

If you don’t know them yet, check them out!

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I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice. I encourage you to work closely with a healthcare professional to manage your health. I am sharing the things I've learned, but all of us are unique and have different conditions. A ketogenic diet may not be an appropriate way of eating for your health needs. Please check with a health care professional before making any major changes in your diet.

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