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Refuel ~ Refresh ~ Restore

Three powerful words that I hope represent this blog and the reasons behind it.

Refuel Just like a car running out of gas, we need fuel or we will sputter out and end up on the side of life’s highway watching the world go by.

The fuel that I crave is eternal. Give me life, give me words to live by. That is what God’s Word is to everyone on the planet, if only we all understood and believed how much He loves us and wants to fill us with His life and joy.

Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence. NIV That is some wonderful fuel, JOY. The Bible also says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. I am so thankful that He also fuels us with strength. I need His strength, not just occasionally, but always.

Psalms 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to Your word. NIV “Fuel” can also represent the coffee side of this blog. Coffee refuels me in a whole different way! And depending on what time of the day it is, I drink it leaded or unleaded.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret too… I’m in the process of starting my own private label coffee, “Praise and Coffee- COFFEE” I will be giving it away in my monthly giveaways and offering it for sale to anyone interested. I’m in the taste-testing process right now and choosing just the right blend for us. I’m all hopped up these days and getting tons of stuff done around the house!

This coffee is so good, you are going to love it! It should be available within the next few months. Refresh Jeremiah 31:25 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” NIV The Lord refreshes me when I am weak and tired or weary from the battle. His word is a fresh rain on my thirsty heart.

Life can be hard, life can break your heart, but God is so faithful.

Acts 3:19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord NKJV Refreshing comes with repentance and forgiveness. That is what the cross is all about. Bringing our empty lives to Him, laying them down and choosing to live the life He’s called us to.

It will not always be easy. Thankfully, He never expects us to do it alone, and the dividends of joy, peace and love are worth more than anything this world has to offer!

I know so many people who just walk through their days existing. Climbing the corporate ladder or drowning their sorrows in a bottle. What’s the point? There is so much more to this life. There is hope. He offers us hope. I pray that we would all take that hope.

Restore Ah, that word even sounds peaceful doesn’t it?

It can be defined with words like: To turn back Deliver (again) Recover Repair Regenerate Improve Refresh Relieve And one of my favorites…RESCUE.

Have you ever seen a piece of old furniture that’s been restored? It is beautiful. I think it’s even more beautiful than in it’s original state, because now it has the marks and scars of it’s past days, yet it is restored to new glory.

There is something quite wonderful about the depth and character of something that is restored.

When that something is a someoneit is extraordinary! I believe that God wants to restore those who need mending,

those who are lost,

those who need to be rescued,

and all of us who have scars. My prayer and the “mission” of this blog is to be a place where people can find hope. Hope and belief that God wants to refuel, refresh and restore all of us.

Thank you all for contributing so beautifully to this cause with your open and honest comments!

Much love,


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