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What’s Your View of Things Today?

“For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion;

in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me;

He shall set me high upon a rock.” Psalms 27:5

Do you know what happens when God sets you high upon a rock? For one thing, it changes your perspective. You see things differently.

I often tell people who are struggling to step back and look at the big picture. Separate yourself from the pain and hurt of your circumstances and think about what is really going on here.

We went to Niagara Falls one year for our family vacation. The first view we had of the falls was from high up in the Skylon Tower. It was an absolutely breathtaking view!

I had never seen anything so beautiful and serene.

Our next view of the falls was from street level. It was a completely different picture from down there. The water is so loud as it roars over the falls, you can feel the thundering waves crashing to the bottom.

There is also a mist coming up from the water and the falls seem to create its own wind. It is an awesome sight to see from up in the tower, and a very intimidating one to see from the ground.

Where did that serenity from high up in the tower go? It’s was frightening at this level.

Were there two sets of falls that we experienced that day?

No, just two different perspectives of the falls.

God wants us to look at our circumstances in light of how awesome He is, not how loud and frightening our storm is.

In light of how God looks at our life, every storm seems to quiet. It is not that the storm goes away, but the roar of the circumstances dull in His awesome and magnificent presence.

Let Him set you high upon that rock today and take a look at things from HIS point of view!

Lord, help each of us today to see out lives from YOUR point of view, draw us so close to You that we aren’t frightened by the roar of the circumstances.

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