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Freestyle Faith
Ronel and I met online over 10 years ago, she was one of the first subscribers to this blog of random thoughts on faith and family. Even...

Get Out Of The Wake
When our kids were teens we had a 17 foot speed boat and took them tubing every summer. It became quite an adventure. What began as a fun...

When You Think You’ve Gone Too Far
As long as you’re still taking breaths…you haven’t gone too far away from His love. No matter where you’ve gone or what you’ve done, He’s...

Take Your Stand
Freedom: the condition of being free, the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints. Does fear keep you...

Overcoming Fear
How many decisions do we make based on fear? What will they think? What if I fail? What if…? There is only one solid way to overcome...
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